Adding AFAR Destination Content

Adding AFAR Destination Content

Umapped’s integration with AFAR allows you to easily add their Destination Guides and Points of Interest to your Trip.

Destination Guides

From within a Trip, click Destination Content, then select AFAR - Destination Guides.
To search for a Destination Guide, enter the city or country in the AFAR Cities field and click Search.
  1. If you already have segments with location data in your Trip, you may be able to choose from those cities in a drop-down menu.

When you’ve located the city guide, click Add To Trip on the bottom right, and select the Date to which you’d like to attach the booking.

The Destination Guide will now appear in your Trip.
Click View Details and select the Calendar Icon to change where the Destination Content will appear in your Trip.

Points of Interest

From within a Trip, click Destination Content, then select AFAR - Points of Interest.
To search for a Point of Interest, enter the city or country in the AFAR Cities section and click Search.
  1. If you already have segments with location data in your Trip, you can choose from those cities in a drop-down menu. Click the Search by City Name checkbox to enter a city name manually.
Add a Source or Keyword to refine your search.

When you’ve chosen one or more Points of Interest, select them with the checkbox to the right, click Add To Trip on the top right, and select the Date to which you’d like to attach the booking.

The Point of Interest will now appear on the selected date.
Click View Details and select the Calendar Icon to change where the Destination Content will appear in your Trip.

AFAR’s Destination Content provides Travellers with relevant city and travel info at the click of a button.

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