Agent Experience with Insurance Cross-sell

Agent Experience with Insurance Cross-sell

Our Trip Analysis functionality reviews your trip for missing components and ways for you to upsell throughout the proposal and trip-building process. Insurance is the first cross-sell component that is now available.
Insurance Quote Request is only available to users on a Professional plan. Please reach out to to upgrade your plan.

Turn on/off Insurance Cross-sell (Quote Request)

Click on your user profile picture in the top right-hand corner, select My Account, and navigate to Preferences. Insurance Quote Request will be ON by default. To disable Insurance Quote Request, select the toggle button. The toggle will now be grey, indicating this option is not enabled.

Publish Your Trip

Navigate to your Trip and send it off to your travellers.

With Insurance Quote Request enabled, if your Trip doesn’t contain an insurance segment, the Trip Publisher will prompt your travellers to request an insurance quote.

If your traveller clicks on the Send Me A Quote button to request insurance from you, you'll receive an email alerting you that your client would like an insurance quote. You can then contact your customer with insurance details, and when the purchase is complete, add an Insurance segment to their itinerary with all the details.

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