Glossary of Terms

Glossary of Terms

Access LevelThe degree to which a Collaborator can edit/share a Trip
AccommodationAn Accommodation segment
ActiveTrips that are in-progress or future-dated
ActivityAn Activity segment
Activity LogThe listing of all edits/changes made to a Trip
AirportAn airport entry in the Vendor Library
Booking InboxWhere imported bookings are stored/accessed in the Trip Publisher
BookingsImported reservations from Suppliers
CalendarThe Trip calendar view in Trip Publisher and on the Traveller Web view
CollaboratorA Trip Publisher user who reviews or edits a Trip who did not create that Trip; a user added from the Add Collaborator function
CompanyA travel agency, IC or other travel company in the Trips database; the corporate/business entity a user operates under
Consultant/Agent/AdvisorUsers who use the Trip Publisher
A cruise segment
Cruise CompanyA cruise company entry in the Vendor Library
DashboardThe home screen that shows an overview of users Trips
Destination ContentLocation guides (either preloaded or custom) that can be added as Note segments in a Trip
DocumentA content folder that can be attached to a Trip
DuplicateTo make a copy of a Trip
Email LogThe click/open count and log for Traveller's trip emails
FilterTo narrow down a list of entries by certain search criteria
FlightA flight segment
FutureTrips that are future-dated
In-ProgressTrips whose dates include the present day
InsuranceAn insurance segment
LibraryAll Documents that have been saved by a user and (if applicable) their Company
MergeTo combine two Trips into one
My AccountSection of the Trip Publisher where you update profile photo and contact info
NoteA Note description which may include text, hyperlinks, photos and YouTube video links
PageA section entry in a Document
PastTrips that are past-dated
Plans and Add-OnsAdmin view section of the Trip Publisher where you can review your plan and past invoices
PNRIndustry term that refers to a booking held or confirmed in a GDS system (Passenger Name Record)
PortA port entry in the Vendor Library
PreferencesSection of the Trip Publisher where you set PDF and Trip preferences
PublishTo make a Trip public for the first time, thereby generating the Web View
Re-PublishTo push Trip revisions to the Web View and mobile app
Record LocatorIndustry term that is usually capitalized in other contexts (see PNR)
ResCardClientBase product term for reservation records
SegmentAn entry (prev: booking) in a Trip
Segment DrawerThe expanded details of a Trip segment
SettingsSettings in Trip Publisher
ShareUse when sharing a Trip with Collaborators or Travellers
ShipA cruise company's ship name in the Vendor Library
SummaryA summary of all Segment details in a Trip
SupplierAny tour operator or DMC with a Umapped integration that allows users to import their bookings or content from Trip Publisher
SupportAssistance provided by the Trips Customer Success Team
TransportAssistance provided by the Umapped Customer Success Team
TravellerPassengers; Trips users who do not use the Trip Publisher
TripThe total content of the Trip Publisher itinerary, the largest unit of created/manipulated content
Trip TransferThe ability to transfer ownership of a Trip from one user to another
VendorAny company that provides services referenced in a Segment (e.g. airline, hotel)
Vendor LibraryThe collection of system and customized Vendors added by the user or by other users in their Company
Web ViewThe Web View of the Trip for the Traveller which is accessible on Desktops and mobile devices

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