Adding Photos to a Note Segment

Adding Photos to a Note Segment

Photos can be added to a Note segment. When you are adding photos, you will be presented with 3 options:
  1. Search Photo Library
  2. Search Web
  3. Upload

Adding Photos to a Note

Once you have created your Note:

Click Add Photos.

Select one of the add photo options (see below for more details on searching and uploading photos).

Search Photo Library

  1. Type in the keyword and select Search Photo Library. If any photos match the keyword entered, they will display.
    1. Try another keyword if no results are shown.
  2. Select the photo(s) you want to add and click Upload Photo.

Search Web

There are two ways to search the web for a photo.

Copy an Image URL

  1. Find an image on the internet
  2. Right-click on the image and select Copy Image URL or Copy Image Address
  3. Paste the URL into the Website field
  4. Enter a single space in the Keyword field and click Search Web

Search a Website

  1. Copy the site's address to the website field
  2. Enter a keyword (for example, photo, picture, hotel, room, gallery)
  3. Click Search Web
Some websites may contain restrictions and security features that may prevent us from being able to pull the image into Trip Publisher. In this case, images will not appear or not upload successfully when using the Search Web function (showing a blank or broken image). 

If the image is not matching recommendations, it may not upload or display correctly:

Orientation: Landscape
Minimum Width: 750 Pixels (1640 px or 1920 px recommended)
Maximum Height: 450 Pixels (for best results)
File Format: JPG or PNG

Enter a keyword and search (another source of freely-usable images) for great cover photo options!


  1. Select the Upload tab.
  2. Click Choose Photos to Upload and then search for the image on your computer/device.
  3. Click Upload Photos.

Recommended Photo Size:
Orientation: Landscape
Minimum Width: 750 Pixels (1640 px or 1920 px recommended)
Maximum Height: 450 Pixels (for best results)
File Format: JPG or PNG

Photo Cropping

Once you have selected a photo from either Search Photo Library or Search Web, you can crop the photo by choosing Crop Image. This will allow you to select the part of the image you would like featured on the web view and pdf itinerary.

Next, drag the cropping window to the desired location, or use the cropping handles in any corner to adjust the cropped size. Once complete, click Upload to add your photo.

The default aspect ratio of 16:9 is maintained. It is recommended that the chosen photo is in landscape and high resolution. Selecting a smaller area of the photo will likely result in the photo appearing blurry within Trip Publisher.

Reordering Photos

  1. Select View Details on the Note segment and click on the Photos section.
  2. Select Edit Photos - you will automatically be in Reorder Photos Mode.
  3. Drag and drop the photos into a new order.

Deleting Photos

  1. Select View Details on the Note segment and click on the Photos section.
  2. Select Edit Photos - you will automatically be in Reorder Photos Mode.
  3. Toggle the Reorder Photos Mode to show Hide Photos Mode.
  4. Select the photo you would like to delete.
  5. Click Delete Photo.

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